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Need Ideas for a New Year’s Resolution?


Impact Healthcare Sharing option

Check out these 10 popular choices.

Who doesn’t want to make the next year the best ever? We’ve compiled a list of resolutions that have proven to be life-changing for those that commit to them.


No one knows for certain what the next year will hold. Choose to be excited and hopeful that this year will be full of memories and accomplishments that will not only impact you but those you love.


1. Commit to learning something new.

The options are endless for this New Year’s resolution. You could download the dictionary app and receive a new word to learn each day. Maybe you’d like to start a new hobby. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Spend five minutes each day outside—clearing your mind and breathing in the fresh air. Harvard shares the numerous health benefits of doing just that. “Just five minutes of green exercise resulted in improvements of self-esteem and mood.”


2. Cut out something that does not strengthen your body.

Skip that soda or stop adding sugar to your morning coffee. Sugar causes you to age faster and who wants to do that? So pass up that soda and choose a better option like sparkling water. There are a growing number of options available today. Maybe what you need to cut out is negative thinking. Do you beat yourself up when you make a mistake? Be intentional about giving yourself room to start over and try again. Failing is okay. Giving up is not! Be kind to yourself and choose to see the positive in all circumstances.


3. Read more.

Subscribe to a new blog (we know a good one—hint hint!) Feed your brain new thoughts, positive thinking, creative ideas, new ways of dreaming. Maybe a simple crossword puzzle that will cause your brain to stretch in new ways. By the way, the New York Times has one you can do online!


4. Commit to being more grateful.

Find yourself overwhelmed, frustrated? Stop and think about what you have that someone else may not: a car, a paid-off car! A job, good health, your children, parents. The list could go on forever. The point is, there is always something to be thankful for, and switching your mindset switches your perspective. And often, a new perspective leads to less internal and physical tension. You only get to live today once. So enjoy it, and don’t sweat the small stuff!

"This a wonderful day. I've never seen this one before." - Maya Angelou


5. Save money.

We all wish we had more money in our savings account right? Then, stop right now and call your financial institution. Tell them you’d like to set up an auto-transfer with each paycheck deposit. Many banks have a feature available that you can set it up online. You can choose a dedicated amount to pull automatically out of your paycheck and move it right into your savings. This mindless transfer can quickly add up and be available for emergencies. We’ve heard from many of you that you’re saving a lot of money by being a member of Impact Health Sharing. Why not take that extra money you were putting into health insurance and invest it or pay off high-interest debt? Start the New Year by being wise with your savings!


6. Fasting - IF (Intermittent Fasting)

Intermittent Fasting is something that has grown in popularity over the past year and studies say it can have amazing benefits if your doctor gives you the go-ahead. Maybe fasting from social media is something your family wishes you’d pick up. Think about something in your everyday life that takes up more time than it should and try giving it up, if even for a day!


7. Exercise.

Would this really be a true resolutions list without exercise as an option? Okay, so maybe you’re not ready to commit to CrossFit. But you could commit to stretching at your desk daily. Check out YouTube for 5-minute desk exercises or choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in the last spot in the parking lot. If you haven’t hopped on the FitBit train, maybe it’s the time! Everyone loves a challenge and with FitBit you have a ton of choices to get you moving and motivated.


8. Spend time with someone important to you.

Ever hear the saying, “talk less, listen more?” Sometimes we have to sacrifice our time to make room for those we love. Is there someone you care about that you wish you had more time for? Maybe it’s an aging grandparent or a friend who lives across the country. Set aside just 10 minutes to give them a call. This simple gesture can foster community, fellowship, and it just makes that person’s day knowing you made time in your schedule to show them you care.


Impact Healthcare Sharing option


9. Be kind.

We’re not accusing you of being a mean person, but are you intentional about spreading kindness? This means you must be aware of your surroundings: at the store, in the airport—smile. Give a compliment. We’ve seen quotes that encourage the world to be kinder. So why not be that person? Someone is always going through a silent struggle. Sometimes small, however, it could still bring added stress that a smile could help give temporary relief to.

“Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face,

kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.” - Mother Teresa


10. Give back.

There are thousands of organizations that may need help just spreading the word, which social media can be a very good avenue for. Being a monthly donor would make a big difference, but also posting a fundraiser on your social profile helps spread the word which can be a big help to small groups. If you can make the time to volunteer locally you will probably be the one walking away with a full heart. If you do a simple Google search of local adoption agencies there are many that need people to cook once a week or once a month; this could be life changing for them and for you.


As you contemplate on this past year’s accomplishments, celebrate what you have done but also take a look at what you wanted to do and didn’t have the chance. Don’t see them as failures, see them as opportunities to try again.

“Life is 10% what happens to me

and 90% of how I react to it.” - John Maxwell


Remember this, if you don’t stay on target to meet your goals don’t allow yourself to start considering giving up. Tomorrow is not promised, live in today, do your best. Take time to rest and reassess and readjust your goals. Keep those goals simple and attainable.

Never give in to the mindset that you’ve failed. Tomorrow is a new day and with each new day comes the chance to try again. Don’t ever give up!


Impact Healthcare Sharing option we’re wrapping up and you don’t see an option that peaks your interest, think of someone you greatly admire. Maybe it’s a boss, a parent, grandparent, or a mentor that has impacted your life. If you have the luxury of reaching out to them, ask them about a resolution they have utilized in the past and adopt it for this next coming year.


We all have choices and we are all starting the New Year at the same time. We want to hear which New Year’s resolution you are committing to. It just may help others who are struggling to make a decision.


Pick a resolution that will help you grow mentally, spiritually, physically, and share it in the comments below!