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Learn How to Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies



Making your own cleaning products is easier than you may think! The desire to make DIY cleaners spiked since COVID-19 when some of our normal go-to items weren’t available. There are other reasons why many are doing their own cleaners. Let’s check those out!


  1. They are natural - no harsh chemicals are needed!
  2. They make little to no waste.
  3. They save you money because they are inexpensive to make.
  4. They work. That’s important.
  5. You typically have the items already on hand.



Grab some spray bottles, a bucket, and try some or all of these DIY cleaners!



All-Purpose Cleaner


  • One part white vinegar
  • One part water
  • Lemon rind
  • Rosemary sprigs


Combine ingredients, then pour into a spray bottle. Shake well. It’s best to let the ingredients infuse for a week before using them. This homemade all-purpose cleaner can be used to remove hard water stains, clean trash bins, wipe away smudges on the wall, and more. The lemon rind will help the cleaning power while also providing a refreshing lemon scent.



Glass Cleaner


  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 cup white or apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol (70% concentration)
  • 1 to 2 drops of essential oil for smell (optional)


Combine all ingredients and pour them into a spray bottle to make a homemade window cleaner. Avoid cleaning windows on a warm sunny day because the solution can dry quickly and leave unwanted streaks. When cleaning mirrors, spray the solution on a paper towel before wiping the mirror.



Floor Cleaner


  • 1 3/4 cups warm water
  • 1-2 drops Castile soap
  • 3-5 drops essential oil



Mix the warm water and soap together in a bucket, and you are ready to mop.


Disinfecting Spray


  • Hydrogen peroxide


Add a sprayer to the hydrogen peroxide bottle and spray the surface thoroughly. Let sit for about 10-15 minutes, then wipe clean.



Bathroom Scrub


  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 20 drops of essential oils (lemon + lavender is a great combo.)
  • a squirt of dish soap if needed to make some suds.


Combine all ingredients and shake it up really well before using. You can store this in a jar or a spray bottle. If you have extra grime, try adding some lemon juice or lemon pieces which will add acidity, helping to eat away grime.



Toilet Cleaner


  • 1 can of cola or other brown soda pop
  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • 1 cup of white distilled vinegar


Pour the entire can of cola into the toilet and let it sit 8-10 minutes, then flush. Add vinegar and baking soda to the toilet. Once the combination stops bubbling, give it a quick scrub, flush, and you’re done!




Granite Countertop Cleaner


  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Dish soap
  • Water


Combine 1/4 cup of isopropyl alcohol with a splash of dish soap and 1 1/2 cups water in a spray bottle. Spray mixture on granite countertops, then rinse with water and dry with a microfiber cloth.


Carpet Cleaner


  • Club soda
  • Salt


When you have a recent spill on your carpet, take the following steps to eliminate a potential stain. Dab the spill on the carpet with a paper towel attempting to absorb as much liquid as possible. Next, add a splash of club soda to the area and again, use a cloth or paper towel to absorb as much of the stain as possible. Sprinkle lightly with salt, then, after a few minutes, vacuum the area.



Remember to be cautious when mixing different chemicals and ingredients. Bleach and vinegar should never be mixed. This combination can create toxic chlorine gas, which will cause eye irritation and coughing.



Ready for even more tips on cleaning or organization? Check out this blog post!