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Impact Health Sharing Jul 8, 2020 7:16:07 PM 4 min read

Vacations on a Budget With Money-Saving Tips




Maybe this hasn’t been the best summer so far but it’s not over!


You can still plan a vacation and do so frugally. Many vacations can get costly, typically over $1,000 per person. Yet there are many ways to have fun and make memories without draining your bank account!


Here are 5 ways to save money on your next vacation.

  1. Last-Minute Deals. You would think that planning a last-minute vacation is stressful or more expensive but it doesn’t have to be. There are a few sites that are great for last-minute deals. Hotel Tonight is a great place to look for discounted pricing. We also suggest checking Last Minute Travel when looking to book flights, car rentals, and more.


  1. Look for Freebies. Choose a hotel that includes free breakfast, ask friends that may have a timeshare they won’t be using, or a family that could be interested in house swapping for a weekend. Check in at the Visitor’s Center where you are vacationing. You can often find a local map for free, as well as valuable coupons!


  1. Consider Camping, Weather Permitting. Camping is typically cheaper than staying at a hotel if you already have all the necessary equipment. Check out this site to find a place to pitch the tent, get coupons, and join their rewards program!


  1. Get a Place with a Kitchen. Avoid eating out and the high cost associated with it. Choose a place to stay where you can cook your own food. Don’t be shy when it comes to snacking. Sometimes having light snacks throughout the day instead of three heavy meals can lead to savings. You can also choose one meal a day to eat out, like lunch, since it’s typically much cheaper than dinner.


  1. Take Free (or Cheap) Tours. A walking or bus tour is a great way to learn about a new city, but in some cities they can cost up to $30 per person. Walking tours are usually free and you can choose to stay longer at a destination you enjoy. Check out Free Tours By Foot where over 3,000,000 people have participated in their tours nationwide! 


You can also choose to start saving now for a vacation later in the year. Looking for alternatives to a savings account? There are many apps available today that can help. Check out Digit or Qapital where you can have your purchases rounded up to the next dollar and automatically transferred into an account for your vacation fund. Set a budget and find a destination that easily fits.


Everyone deserves a vacation at least once a year. Studies show that taking time away from work can have physical and psychological benefits. People who take vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve goals. 





"It is a good thing for everyone who can possibly do so,

to get away at least once a year for a change of scene.

I do not want to get into the position of not being able to see the forest

because of the thickness of the trees." 

- Franklin Roosevelt


We want to hear from you! What’s your favorite way to save money for or while on vacation? Leave us a comment below.


Do you have vacation photos to share with our Impact Community? If so, remember to include #impacthealthsharing in your social media posts.