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Top Podcasts to Listen to During a Long Run



Top Podcasts to Listen to During a Long Run


If you're going to run, might as well make it entertaining! Long runs may feel redundant if you're new to cardio training. This is why listening to an intriguing podcast might be an ideal solution for you. Unlike music, running to a podcast offers a total escape, and you may find that you’ve completed your run before you know it. With that being said, finding the right podcast for running can be a challenge, since searching through the sea of choices can make it tempting enough to turn back to your old playlist.


So, here are some great podcasts to listen to during your long run:


A Runner’s Life Podcast


Join host Marcus Brown – who is commonly referred to as Marathon Marcus – in his weekly episodes, which explore individual runners’ lives and dives into what being a member of the running community means to them. They last about an hour an episode, which is ideal for a medium-distance run.

Lovett or Leave It Podcast


This much-loved podcast is a great distraction while you are running. This podcast is great because it’s hosted by a funny dude along with a panel of comedians. These episodes run for about an hour or so.

The Morning Shakeout Podcast


Podcast host Mario Fraioli fills you with motivation through his conversations with top athletes, coaches, and inspiring cultural figures in the sport of running. The Morning Shakeout is the perfect wake-me-up for those long morning runs or the first run of the day, even if it’s not in the morning!

The Jillian Michaels Show


If you’ve ever watched The Biggest Loser, you’re used to seeing “America’s Toughest Trainer” Jillian Michaels. What we love in her weekly podcast is the side you don’t often see. It reveals Jillian’s more vulnerable side as she shares how she deals with underlying causes of behaviors like emotional eating to push through her barriers. Jillian’s show will provide the therapy you never realized you needed all while you are running! 


Trail Runner Nation


You don’t just have to be a trail runner to love this podcast. This is a great podcast for a long run as it offers knowledge for runners at every level. Anyone can learn a lot about performance, the rules of the trail, and the mindset needed for top performance after listening to just a few episodes. If you are strictly a road runner, this podcast may inspire you to get the super-long-distance running bug. So lace up those trainers!


No Meat Athlete

This podcast is a great option for those attempting to switch to a vegan lifestyle. It’s also perfect for those just wanting to find out how eating cleaner food sources could improve your running. If you're looking to push the boundaries - this podcast might be the right motivation. It is more of an educational podcast versus an entertaining one so come prepared to leave with some action items.

A great episode to start out with is: Why it Took Matt 7 Years to Qualify for Boston and How You Can Do It Quicker.

This list has some great book suggestions if you would rather listen to an audiobook while on a long run.


Be sure to check out our Summer Health Tips so you are well-informed while you exercise in the sun and warmer temperatures.