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Healthcare Sharing; A Personal Story

healthcare sharing review



There are many people in the United States that are going without healthcare because they can’t afford healthcare or they missed the Open Enrollment Period. We want to share the option that is both affordable and open to new members year-round.


One member shared their personal story to give hope to those who may be struggling and maybe have been struggling for a long time when it comes to making the commitment to choose a healthcare plan.


We believe this will inspire and encourage anyone who is looking into Impact Health Sharing as an option for their business or family.



About 3 yrs ago, my wife and I joined Impact Health Sharing and it has changed everything for us in this crazy insane world of outrageous healthcare costs! 


I cannot begin to tell you how happy we've been with our membership with Impact. It has completely flipped our thoughts on healthcare! While there are a few good health share options out there, you will not find one quite like Impact. 


As I did my research and compared options, here are a few things that I believe make Impact Health Sharing the better choice:


1. Most of the other Healthshares have YOU do ALL the paperwork.

2. Most other Healthshares require dotting every "I" and crossing every "T" or they don't share. 

3. Impact does the work for you.

4. Impact members have a member card just like other health plans that we present at our medical appointments, so the provider bills Impact directly.

5. Impact is affordable.

6. I know exactly where my money goes each month, and it’s not going to a big FOR PROFIT corporation looking to control us more! 

7. In fact, get this: At the end of last year, Impact notified all members, saying that because our community stayed so healthy last year, THEY WERE GIVING BACK TO US by discounting all members' November AND December rates! 😳 That saved us another $476!!! Can you say Christmas BONUS?!


Impact Health Sharing Story

8. Impact provides value and transparency, which is something I appreciate!

9. Finally, let me say that I have known the founder and president of Impact on a personal level for more than a decade and can unequivocally attest that this company is founded upon Christian Conservative Values and a heart for ALL THINGS AMERICA! 

Impact has been such a big blessing to my family and I believe it will be to yours also! 

Brad & Kristin Barton

Impact Members




Savings Disclaimer: Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of savings. The savings potential is entirely dependent on the individual Member's circumstances and membership choices of the program.