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Impact Health Sharing

August is National Wellness Month


In a perfect world, we would all make every day a wellness day, but we get busy and distracted and self-care takes a back seat. We grab what is convenient, we hit the drive-thru on the way home because we didn’t have time to plan anything for dinner.


But there are some simple things you can implement to your everyday to care for your body.


Check out 5 ways to start caring for your well-being.


  • Drink more water. Did you know that the most common cause of headaches is dehydration? Water cools down your body temperature, cleanses your organs from toxins, increases energy, and much more. If you don’t enjoy water, infuse it with fruit, like strawberries or lemon.


  • Care for your skin. It’s easy to forget that your skin is your largest organ. This organ is an external barrier to harmful attacks like UV exposure and chemicals found in common products. Make healthy lifestyle choices and implement a skincare routine that will keep your PH balanced to prevent dry skin and infections.


  • Choose smart snacks. There are delicious snacks you can have on-the-go to stop you from grabbing chips or candy while you’re out. Throw some almonds in a baggie, clementines, apples, and most fruits with a peel will hold up nicely so you can chomp on it when you feel those hunger pangs coming on.


  • Slow down. If you feel anxiety and stress creeping in, remember that it is OK to say no when people ask you to do something. Your to-do list should not be the first thing on your mind when you wake up. Breathe. Stretch. Turn on instrumental music while you prepare for the day; allow your mind to relax. 


  • Get outside. Skip the gym and choose to do your workout outside instead. There have been some studies that suggest exercising outdoors elevates your mood more than exercising inside. To learn more about green exercise, visit this site


Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is. –Anne Frank


Choose to celebrate wellness by choosing healthy routines, self-care, and managing stress. Creating new habits can have a significant impact. So, be mindful of what you are putting in your body, your mind, and how much time you set aside to care for your wellbeing. Your body and your family will thank you! 


To check out some creative ways to get those veggies in, read our blog post here