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Your Guide To Family Wellness This Stress Awareness Month

Family wellness guide


Your Guide To Family Wellness This Stress Awareness Month


April is National Stress Awareness Month. Although we all experience stress in different ways, most of us find the source to be money, work, and relationships. When stress is not managed, it can cause physical ailments to creep in. Some health issues that can arise include higher heart disease, cancer, insomnia, headaches, illness, and poorer immune functioning. Stress releases stress hormones, like cortisol, which marinate your brain and body amidst chronic stress and can break down the body’s health systems and mental health. Depression, anxiety, panic, phobias, and burnout are associated with chronic stress.

family game night

Here are some ways to reduce stress and improve your family’s wellness.


  1. Encourage physical activity. Find something your whole family will enjoy doing together. This can be challenging if you have children of different ages. Choose various activities with their input. Getting outside in nature is always a great choice. Find a local walking trail, go canoeing, go bowling or take up tennis. The key is to spend time together while strengthening your bodies. 
    exercise ideas

  2. Be flexible, and don’t overload your schedule. Don’t let stress creep in because you haven’t left any room in your schedule for things to change. 

  3. Be creative. Whether it’s painting or drawing, or just coloring, making time to be creative will help relieve stress. 
    family races
  4. Spend time with friends. The emotional support provided by social ties has enhanced your psychological well-being. People who view their friends and families as supportive report a greater sense of meaning in life and feel they have a stronger sense of purpose. So have friends over for a game night or invite them on your weekly family walk.

  5. Unplug. It’s nearly impossible to escape stress when it goes with you everywhere. Cut the cord. Avoid checking emails or watching the news. Some families choose to have a designated place for devices to go. This could be a basket, a box, or even a drawer. Make a new family rule that all devices cannot be brought to the dinner table. If that seems like too much for your family, try doing it monthly. The point is to be intentional every day for just 20 or 30 minutes by setting aside electronics to focus on who you are with. Consider cooking together, starting a garden, or planning a camping trip.

family health

Stress can lead to anger, yelling, crying, and unwanted outbursts that hurt us and those we love. Consider looking for new coping skills when stress tries to creep in. Things like deep breathing, muscle relaxation, meditation, getting a massage, and soaking in a bath are helpful ways to relieve your body and brain from stress and tension. Even having a good sense of humor can help you feel better, even if you have to force a fake laugh through your grumpiness. Laughing lightens your mental load and causes positive physical changes in your body.

family games

Sometimes natural stress reduction tips aren’t enough. If you notice that you or your child is still struggling, please seek a professional therapist for help. Counselors can help identify the source of stress and offer ways to eliminate or significantly reduce triggers.

Your health history and unique needs play a pivotal role in shaping your approach to medical care. Finding a provider that understands the importance of tailoring your services to your specific requirements is key. Dedicated healthcare professionals will guide you on your journey to achieving your health goals, whether through physical check-ups, mental health services, or any other aspect of your well-being. Stay connected with resources whether through a website, social media channels, and even find through Google Business for quick and convenient access. Impact Health Sharing offers telemental services as well as online telehealth. Whether you're looking for assistance with physical related questions or seeking advice on managing your mental health, the Impact team would be honored to be a trusted partner in your pursuit of a healthier and happier life.

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Learn more about the hidden effects of stress.