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August 2023 Partner Posts

How do you share these images and text?

Right-click and save the pictures, then copy the words to create your texts, e-mails, and posts.                                  


➡️  Always insert your personal link; otherwise, you won't get credit for the lead.

If you need your login credentials or personal link please visit ACN Compass.


impact story

Interested in hearing firsthand experiences from our Impact members? Click on my link and let's delve into the reasons why our members believe that Impact is the ultimate choice! [insert your link]



Can I use Telemedicine when I'm out of town?

There are no states where we don’t offer telemedicine, but some states have different video/audio visit requirements. When a visit geolocates to a state that requires video conferencing, the audio option will not be available.

Ready to find out all the reasons Impact is a smart choice? [insert your link]



impact explanation

Have you been asking yourself, How does Impact really work?

Healthcare Sharing is a non-insurance solution to the rising cost of healthcare. When you join Impact, you create a Share Account and are connected to thousands of other like-minded community members.  Join us today and begin experiencing the substantial savings and remarkable advantages of Impact! [insert your link]


impact pricing

Is Impact membership affordable?

Members are saving thousands when they switch to Impact. Plans start as low as $73 for individuals and $378 for families. We have designed four pricing options for individuals and families, as well as special pricing for seniors. See pricing -  [insert your link]