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How does an ACN IBO become Accredited with Impact?

In order to sell Impact and receive commissions an IBO will have to become accredited with Impact. This article explains how.

Step 1: Go to Impact's page on the IBO back office. There, you'll see the "Accreditation Here" button that leads to a registration form.

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Please fill out the form carefully with your name, email, phone number, and IBO Number. It is important to fill in your information accurately so that you receive the right emails and your sales are attributed to the right IBO number. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an email with a link to the Accreditation Quiz. This link contains information that attributes your quiz results to you. Please don't share this link with any other IBOs. 

Step 2:  Follow the link to the Accreditation Quiz. In order to be accredited, you will need to pass the quiz with a 90% score. The good news is that it's an open-web test: the email you received has a link to Impact's Guidelines and Help Center. You will need to search these resources in order to pass the quiz. If you fail, just click the link and try it again. Depending on your browser, you may need to use "incognito" or "InPrivate" modes while taking it again. 

Once you pass, you will be all set to sell Impact. You will receive an email congratulating your passing score. If you don't receive either the email with the Accreditation Quiz link or the congratulations email there is a help page HERE