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Are maternity expenses eligible for Sharing?

Can I apply if I am already pregnant?

Maternity is eligible for sharing after the mother has been a member for 12 months. Sharing is limited to $150,000 for any single pregnancy event, including antepartum care, the cost of delivery and complications to the mother and/or child(ren), and postpartum care.

To be eligible, delivery must be performed by a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or midwife who is properly licensed, certified, and/or registered in the state of delivery.

If the mother is not a member for 12 months prior to delivery, the following are instances where maternity bills are ineligible for sharing: 

  • Medical bills incurred before the newborn’s membership date. 
  • Unresolved maternity medical conditions of mother or child. 
The newborn can be a member from birth if a request to add them to the membership is made within 30 days of the date of birth.

Medical Expense Forms are found here: https://app.impacthealthsharing.com/forms/medical-expense


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