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  2. What is Eligible for Sharing?

Would my pregnancy be pre-existing?

How are pregnancies shared?

Learn the details through our maternity page and watch our short video below.



You can also take the pre-existing quiz:




Pre-Existing Medical Conditions are conditions in which known signs, symptoms, testing, diagnosis, treatment, or use of medication occurred within 36 months prior to membership (based on medical records). A known sign is any abnormality indicative of disease, discovered on examination/diagnostic testing before joining membership. A symptom is any subjective evidence of disease. In contrast, a sign is objective. A Pre-Existing Medical Condition is eligible for sharing after the condition has gone 36 consecutive months
without known signs, symptoms, testing, diagnosis, treatment, or medication (based on medical records). If you have been diagnosed with cancer that is in complete remission, and you are only undergoing testing for surveillance purposes, then bills related to
those services will not be eligible for sharing for the first 36 months of membership. If after 36 months you are without signs, symptoms, testing (other than surveillance testing), diagnosis, or treatment (medication), medical expenses related to that cancer diagnosis will be eligible for sharing. High blood pressure or high cholesterol that is controlled through medication will not be considered a Pre-Existing Medical Condition for purposes of determining eligibility for future vascular or cardiac events.