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Does Impact Health Sharing work?

What are members saying about their experience with Impact?

Is it working? YES!

Members are reaching out and sharing that Impact WORKS! Works Better, Feels Better Than Insurance.

From Regina S.

Shout out to IMPACT Health Share! My daughter is a member of Impact. Last month she was having issues with her back. She was seen at a Convenient Care Center, then sent to the hospital for follow up diagnostic xrays and ultrasound. Her total bill for both facilities was $493. Even though she is not close to meeting her PRA, Impact still got in there and renegotiated her charges, resulting in her bill being reduced to $188.36. Folks, that's a total savings of $304.64!! Now THAT'S Exciting!


From the Sack Family. We are thankful for Impact. It is something I think America needs. Impact has been great to work with. We are thrilled with Impact. They are helping all along the way [through a medical situation]. They are getting things done for us. Bills are getting paid. And, It was really nice to receive notes of encouragement from fellow members along the way, too.


From Dustin D. Impact Health Sharing is the 💣 !! My Company's Family Healthcare would cost me $1,750 a month with a $9,000 deductible!!

Impact membership is $528 a month with a $2,500 Primary Responsibility Amount.

That's a yearly savings of $14,664!!! And that is not even apples to apples.


From Tammy L.

Today I refilled my husband’s prescription. The prescription discount with Impact Health was amazing, $53.65! Thanks Impact Health!


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